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20th October 2008

Here are a collection of handouts, questionnaires and information sheets about sleep, ADHD, and fatigue.  The sleep handouts are mostly based on Colin Espie's excellent self-help book "Overcoming insomnia and sleep problems" and the intention is that the handouts would be used in conjunction with this book - see the bottom of the page for more details. 


19th October 2008

I started meditating regularly while I was still at university in the early 1970's.  I then went on a number of meditation retreats and visited a whole series of monasteries and ashrams.  By the late 70's I had a good deal of experience of a fruit salad of methods including vipassana, zen, yoga relaxation, pranayama, dynamic meditation, hypnosis, chanting, and several other approaches.  I...

18th October 2008

Last month's BMJ published another in the long line of research articles that highlight the huge importance of lifestyle choices for our health:

Dam, R. M. v., T. Li, et al. (2008). "Combined impact of lifestyle factors on mortality: prospective cohort study in US women." BMJ 337(sep16_2): a1440-  [...