Handouts & questionnaires for general relationships (second post)
Last updated on 19th November 2009
A few days ago, I posted on "Handouts & questionnaires for general relationships (first post)" where I particularly discussed ways of assessing personal social networks. Here are further information sheets on other aspects of relationships - for example, I also regularly assess interpersonal style. Usually I'll use one of the several versions available of the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems - see the "IIP-48" below. Often helpful too in understanding interpersonal style are the attachment questionnaires on the Good Knowledge page "Relationships, couples, families & psychosexual" which also lists many other handouts & questionnaires on couples, families, children, abuse, sexuality and related areas.
Further handouts listed below are a couple on "Development & maintenance of distressed states" which can be useful when orientating people to the various parts played by relationships in producing their current state. There are further information sheets too clarifying the interplay of life events and genetic vulnerability in depression onset, the relevance of abuse, trauma & loss, the important "Traumatic grief scale", and some handouts on assertiveness, authenticity, and the costs of excessive self-concealment. There are also very useful handouts & questionnaires on relationships & wellbeing in the sequence on Self-Determination Theory (SDT) lower down the page on "Wellbeing, time management & self-determination" and in the sequence on coping survey questionnaires & the significant others list on "Depression, CBASP & neuroscience". Clicking on the tag "Relationships" will link you through to lots of further information and research on relationships also on this website. Additionally you can go to the "Tag cloud" and search on various other terms like "Bereavement", "Couples", "Family", "Friendship", "Mothers" and so on.
IIP-48 questionnaire & score sheet - I use this questionnaires about characteristic interpersonal style a lot. To paraphrase Alice Miller and others "The walls we build to protect ourselves, become the prisons in which we live." This assessment tool highlights and helps track changes in our interpersonal "prison walls." Spikes further out away from the centre of the score sheet chart highlight aspects of our interpersonal style that are causing us particular problems. Similarly, scores of "3" or "4" in answer to any of the individual questionnaire items may also benefit from therapeutic attention.
Development & maintenance of distressed states - I use this Powerpoint diagram a lot when discussing with people why they are in a distressed state. It can be helpful in highlighting the importance of maintaining, precipitating and vulnerability factors - relationships may have a part to play in any of these areas. I also point out that therapeutic gains can be made working with all three of these general sets of factors - for example, emotional processing work for past experience (both precipitating and vulnerability factors) and more standard cognitive-behavioural approaches for maintaining factors. For a somewhat more heavily relationship-focussed version of this diagram see "Development & maintenance of relationship difficulties".
Life events, genetics & depression onset, slides 1 & 2, and slides 3 & 4 - I typically print these slides out (in black & white) to produce two A4 sheets of a 2-slides-to-a-page handout. They make some very useful points - for example the importance of life events (particularly involving relationships) in the onset of various psychological disorders, and the interaction of life events and genetic vulnerability.
Grief, trauma & abuse - here's a five page information handout I put together on grief, trauma & abuse a number of years ago. It's dated but still contains much that's informative and accurate.
Traumatic grief inventory & background - after bereavement (and other experiences of loss) people often feel anxious and depressed. Some people may suffer traumatic grief reactions - similar to posttraumatic stress disorder but characterised more by yearning than fear or avoidance. This can be an important diagnosis to make as effective treatment may well involve other interventions besides more classic approaches to anxiety and/or depression. This download includes both the questionnaire and some background information and research abstracts.
Communication scales - a handout from Carkhuff & Berenson's adaption of the classic Rogerian person-centred triad highlighting key interpersonal qualities in close relationships.
Assertiveness diagram - this slide illustrates the simple, but helpful "Don't be a sledgehammer or a doormat" spectrum model of assertiveness.
Honesty, transparency & confrontation - this interesting 3 page handout describes the emotion-focused therapist Les Greenberg's comments on honesty/authenticity in therapeutic relationships. His remarks however are also very relevant to other close relationships that are basically supportive but sometimes run into difficulties e.g. couples, families, and friendships.
Self-concealment scale & related references - this is an interesting questionnaire I use occasionally to highlight the health risks of being to "self-concealing" and "private". It links in with the overall benefits of intimacy and interpersonal trust. It links too with the importance of clients feeling they can be really open in the therapeutic relationship.