Recent research: articles from September journals
Last updated on 28th August 2014
I read a lot of research. When I find an article of particular interest I download it to my bibliographic database - EndNote - which currently contains over 20,400 abstracts.
Every few weeks I scan through all the articles I've found interesting in the previous month (in the general areas of stress, health & wellbeing) and then filter them into four narrower, more specific mailings. One is primarily for cognitive-behavioural therapists linked with the British Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP) and other CBT organizations around the world. This set of abstracts focuses particularly on cognitive therapy in its many applications (anxiety, depression, psychotic disorders, etc). Click on BABCP mailing to see the 30 abstracts (mostly from September) that I have listed.
A second, and more recent development, is for people who have expressed an interest in keeping up to date with research relevant to compassion - see the post "Proposal for a BABCP special interest group on compassion" - this month there are 17 abstracts in the Compassion mailing.
A third mailing is to various people involved with Action on Depression Scotland (AOD). AOD is the only charity specifically working for people with depression who live in Scotland. I've been on their Clinical Advisory Board for some years. These abstracts focus more on depression and many are about antidepressant medication as well as others which overlap with the BABCP mailing on psychotherapy. Click on AOD mailing to see the 30 abstracts recently sent out.
The fourth mailing is to the editor of the British Holistic Medical Association (BHMA) newsletter. Back in the early 1980's I was on the working party that set up the BHMA. I'm not much involved with them now - partly because many of their original objectives have been achieved and are now mainstream. This month's BHMA mailing contains 50 abstracts covering a multitude of stress, health & wellbeing related subjects including a whole cluster on mindfulness, a comparison of CBT with psychodynamic therapy, a couple of studies on benefits from therapeutic writing, factors in client & therapist that increase dropout rates, several studies on the effects of dietary supplements, reduced suicide rates in coffee drinkers, possible adverse effects of wearing red in work environments, the importance of health professionals' positive voice tone, social network changes across the lifespan, how leaf-stroking can benefit plants, and much more.
Attachment | Size |
compassion abstracts.13.09.pdf | 139.72 KB |
das abstracts.13.09.pdf | 203.74 KB |
bhma abstracts.13.09.pdf | 305.99 KB |
babcp abstracts.13.09.pdf | 187.28 KB |